Thursday, April 8, 2010
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This is a blog documenting a project that will span exactly one year, from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010. On each of those 365 days, I will photograph or draw (and occasionally paint) one collection. Most of the collections are real and exist in my home or studio; those I will photograph. Some are imagined; those I will draw or (occasionally) paint.
Since I was a young girl, I have been obsessed both with collecting and with arranging, organizing and displaying my collections. This is my attempt to document my collections, both the real and the imagined. Some of my collections are so large that I will need to photograph them separately over several days. I will likely not attempt to photograph collections in which the individual pieces are large in size or awkward in shape (i.e. my art collection or vintage enamel dishware collection). The only rule is that I must photograph or draw a whole or part of a collection each day for 365 days and post the result here on this blog.
The practice of collecting and documenting collections is as old as the hills. I want onlookers here to know that I do not profess to be doing anything new or unique or ingenious. I am embarking on this project because I love my collections, and I want to document them in a way that makes sense to me, and share them with whoever might be interested in looking at them.
This blog is open for comments. I encourage you to share your thoughts about what memories the photographs and drawings of my collections spark for you and what, if any, sense of nostalgia or repulsion they make you feel.
For those of you who have stumbled here and don’t already know me, my name is Lisa Congdon. I am an artist and illustrator, and I live in the Mission District of San Francisco with my partner Clay Lauren Walsh and our Chihuahua Wilfredo and two cats, Barry and Margaret. If you are interested, you can see the kind of artwork I make on my website or on the website of my illustration agent, Lilla Rogers. If you would like to see what my home looks like (as it contains many of my collections) you can see a house tour here. You can view my studio (also a repository) here.
Sorry to say that, this is a little boring of a collection. :)
ReplyDeletehello dear,
ReplyDeletewhat a good surprise this blog. Congratulations for your honesty and effort on bringing out all your personal thoughts and passions. Coincidently, I am also "feeding" a blog during this year, one post a day, connecting things that come to my eyes or to my thoughts...a little naif and also completely free of any paradox. I MUST write about you there!
Each of your posts always sparks a smile!
ReplyDeletei like it! it's a really nice packaging, i don't think it's boring.
ReplyDeletei have these clothespins too, i got them at SCRAP and honestly, some of them are terrible! i used a few and they just broke apart. i do think the packaging is kind of cute...oh well.
ReplyDeleteOBAT WASIR atau ambeien OBAT WASIR herbal OBAT WASIR manjur OBAT WASIR de nature Obat ambeien herbal Obat ambeien atau wasir Obat ambeien ampuh Obat ambeien Obat sipilis ampuh Obat sipilis herbal nama Obat sipilis Obat sipilis de nature nama Obat sipilis di apotik Obat sipilis obat wasir atau ambeien ambeclear kanker serviks obat kanker herbal Pengobatan kanker payudara de nature obat herbal
ReplyDeletei like it! it's a really nice packaging, i don't think it's boring
ReplyDeleteobat kanker payudara tradisional
obat tradisional kanker payudara
obat alternatif kanker payudara
keluar nanah di kemaluan lelaki
obat kencing nanah
obat gonore untuk wanita
obat kutil kelamin
obat kutil di kemaluan
obat kutil di kelamin wanita
cara menyembuhkan ambeyen
obat herbal gejala wasir
gambir obat wasir
ramuan alami untuk penyakit sipilis
sipilis bagi wanita
obat sipilis natural atau alami
Each of your posts always sparks a smile!
ReplyDeleteobat kutil kelamin pada wanita
nama obat sipilis
obat kutil kelamin tradisional
obat sipilis pada pria
obat sipilis
obat sipilis tradisional
obat sipilis di apotik
obat kemaluan keluar nanah
nama obat sipilis
penis keluar nanah
penis keluar nanah
obat ambeien
obat penis mengeluar nanah
obat tradisional mengobati kutil kelamin
de nature obat kutil kelamin
obat kutil di alat kelamin\\u003cb\\u003e pria dan wanita
ambeien dalem
obat alami kutil kelamin pada wanita
obat gonore ampuh
obat ampuh kanker hati
pengobatan alternatif kanker Prostat
obat tradisional kanker Rahim
apa sipilis bisa sembuh total
sifilis dapat disembuhkan
contoh sipilis pada wanita
gejala hemorroid
obat wasir yg aman
obat wasir tanpa operasi