Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 252

Children's books about the sea (part of larger children's book collection).


  1. I am curious as to the content of The
    Whale Hunt. (?)

  2. oooh, love this one. I had a wonderful pop up book of Columbus' ships when I was a child, with a turning cardboard wheel on the front. I always wondered what happened to it, and conducted an internet search a while ago. I found a copy in America for a wee $225!!! Just a little out of reach - wish I'd hung onto the original. Moby Dick is also my all time fave book - kinda a theme here i thinx!!

  3. This is awesome.... I adore childrens books. I've kept all mine from childhood and post them regularly. These are all wonderful, I love the sea them. What a great collection. Pruxxx

  4. This is a well organised way to keep your book cover. I also want someone to reword my sentence because of need of the day.

  5. You have a great blog here! would you like to make some invite posts on my blog?

